HAARP installation is able to manage time?

A brilliant physicist published a revolutionary work citing 30 other scientific papers indicating that HAARP has unbelievable power, and what the majority does not suspect researchers of high-frequency radiation.

A photo from open sources

Dr. Fran Di Aquino claims full ability ubiquitous HAARP functional network, not just influence the weather and geophysical events, but also render impact on space, gravity … and even directly on time! The installation network now has many new features. and one of them is almost ready for operation at the edge of the world: in the desert and alien Antarctica. Will HAARP hosts become masters of time?

The most dangerous of the living?

The ruling factions of the three largest states in the world – the United States, Russian Federation and China may be involved in orders for the elimination of man, in their opinion, is the most dangerous in the world. No he’s not a terrible terrorist of international scale, not even a mad scientist with a new virus that could destroy humanity.

Perhaps the most dangerous person in the world may be called Brazilian physicist, Ph.D. Fran Di Aquino.

Di Aquino did not invent the “death rays” and did not get the codes for nuclear missile launches. What he did is potentially even more dangerous he released a bottle of high-tech gin that owns one of the greatest secrets – the real purpose of the HAARP installation.

HAARP (High Frequency Aurora Research Program exposure; approx. mixednews.ru). The network of its installations covers the entire world, from one pole to another. Will be launched soon Antarctic installation.

Di Aquino in his scientific work indicates that low-frequency but extremely powerful radiation and the resulting heating ionospheres can cause earthquakes, typhoons and droughts. And in unlike the wizard of Oz, HAARP wizards have real opportunities.

The academic work of this physicist with quotes from three dozen other scientific work points to other incredible opportunities network installations.

HAARP can affect gravity

Most HAARP researchers at one time suspected her of ability to cause earthquakes and initiate hurricanes. Confirming these suspicions, Di Aquino’s work points to more.

The use of high-frequency radiation can change and even control the behavior of gravitational fields – so he claims.

According to Di Aquino, you can displace or even transport heavy objects with the help of “gravitational screens. “Also, installation is capable of more.

Frequency exposure technologies allow generating “shells of gravitational screens. Generation is possible thanks to high polarizability semiconductor structures clamped between two plates of metal foil with insulation layers between them. Gravity screen shells can be generated just one millimeter thick. ”

The theoretical calculations of Di Aquino are experimentally confirmed the experiences of another physicist named Dimitriou Stavros of TEI-Athens, Greek Department of Electrical Engineering. Stavros successfully demonstrates how an electromagnetic field interacts with gravitational.

And also, the most amazing thing is that Di Aquino claims that fully functional HAARP is capable of bending time.

Slowing down time – an effect described by a special theory relativity of Albert Einstein. Space-time is distorted when the speed of a body with mass approaches speed of light.

HAARP can manage space and time

The work of Di Augustino indicates the possibility that the area formed by the ultra-low-frequency field is able to move body having mass, at a time different for the outside observer. This is created and should work.

An example is given of the ocean and the following through it. vessel. He explains: “… the ship is made of steel. When subjected to exposure to a uniform low-frequency electromagnetic field, then due to a certain frequency and intensity, the ship will move in time. It is important to note that the field, in addition to what must be homogeneous, must continuously affect the vessel during moving to a new time period. In case of heterogeneity fields different parts of the ship will move to different time periods of the future. Besides the fact that the above field should follow together with the vessel, the elements of the structures generating the field must be inside the ship. People inside the ship will move to different time intervals, because the conductivity and density of their bodies will be differ”.

It is worth noting the almost complete similarity of this scenario with similar, described by an eyewitness of the Philadelphia experiment Carl Holland. This event, a US Navy experiment called “Project Rainbow “in the early 40s of the last century is now often described as a fiction that did not take place in reality.

However, those who believe in this story insist that one of the participants in this incident on the destroyer Eldridge was the famous inventor Nikola Tesla, a genius who studied electromagnetic interaction. The goal was to achieve invisibility ship, but it ended tragically and various parts of the ship were scattered in different parts of space and time.

Some strongly suspect Tesla’s involvement in the creation of many HAARP features updated and enhanced in accordance with the latest scientific achievements of the XXI century.

What will HAARP be used for? For climate wars? IN as a trigger for geophysical processes? Manipulating gravity and time? Some even believe that this technology is able to influence the mind and lead to madness.

The most dangerous person in the world, Ph.D. Fran Di Aquino, claims to be for all of the above.

Daniil Perov

Nicola Tesla Earthquake Time Gravity USA HAARP

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