Hadron Colliders allow you to open portals in other worlds?

Hadron colliders allow you to open portals to other worlds?A photo from open sources

Hadron Collider projects, which on the planet are obviously there is much more than one (yes, the famous LHC is largely not unique), shrouded in a dense veil of secrecy. On charged boosters particles are spending tremendous money. On the construction of one Large Hadron Collider allocated more than ten billion Eurodollars. And at a recent conference, Global Science: A Look from Russia “Vladimir Putin’s aide, Andrei Fursenko, said that over the past decade, our country has invested in research projects The European Union, including the LHC, at least one and a half billion euros.

What are the hadron colliders actually built for?

Why such a cost? Isn’t it wiser to invest this money, let’s say, in economics, than in some experiments with charged particles? Not wiser, many scientists will tell you. And all because the matter is by no means limited to purely scientific experiments. Not accidentally, a number of researchers spoke out against the construction LHC is still at the design stage of the accelerator. A lot of specialists not afraid to risk their reputation and career, said that the construction of colliders is sponsored by the powers that be, and on in fact, the ultimate goal of all these experiments is to open portals into other dimensions or even parallel universes. So about it a few years ago a Russian candidate spoke Physics and Mathematics Sergey Sall.

A photo from open sources

In addition, many independent experts claim that all these reckless experiments may be the cause various weather anomalies such as tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes. For example, over Lake Geneva constantly mysterious and frightening atmospheric phenomena are observed, which none of the people of science dare to explain (rather, vice versa – shut up). And such anomalies are found not only in the territory Europe, but also in many other parts of the world.

The shocking recognition of the director of CERN

Director of the European Union committed suicide late last year Nuclear Research Organization Edward Mantill. Before death he burned down all his scientific records and destroyed hard drives working computer. The specialist could not live with the knowledge which he got on this job. In particular, Mantill realized that experiments of European scientists with the Large Hadron Collider can destroy all life on Earth or even in the universe. Before the way to shoot himself, the director of CERN posted on the World Wide Web text recognition. A scientist’s death note with lightning speed scattered all over the web.

A photo from open sources

Here’s what it said: “By publishing this information, I strictly violate international privacy laws and privacy however I don’t care. If you read this, then I’m dead of my own free will. My name is Dr. Edward Mantill, I worked as a physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear research based in Geneva. My specialty was charged particles, quark-gluon plasma and subatomic research. I studied the interaction of small particles colliding at high speeds. In January 2014, I was an ordinary scientist, I He lived and worked on the territory of CERN and did not even suspect that here going on. However, then I was promoted, and I began to open The truth about the Large Hadron Collider. We were told that the accelerator needed only to study particles in order to uncover the secrets of occurrence Universe, however, this is far from the case. The machine was created for another, namely to open the portal. ”

Why does the world elite need to open portals?

What kind of portal, Mantill never wrote. Is being created the impression that he was in a hurry and simply did not have the opportunity finish your message. However, the colleagues of the director of CERN from many countries decided to share their guesses about this. Many experts report that the discovery portals will give the powers that be virtually unlimited opportunities. The elite will be able to travel to other worlds and universes, as well as in time, reversing the events of the past and receiving information about what will happen in the future. And similar power so tempting for a world government that it is ready take huge risks. After all, if at least one collider gives serious failure, a catastrophe of the world or universal can occur scale.

A photo from open sources

LHC already allows you to accelerate elementary particles to speeds, exceeding light. Such a discovery completely refutes postulates of classical physics. And this is just the beginning. There is an opinion that scientists are already capable of hypothetically opening portals to other measurement, however, only one thing hinders them so far: researchers do not know how to close them. And as soon as they determine how it is to do, the first portal will immediately be open. And happen after that maybe anything.

But what goals does the world ultimately pursue elite?

According to one version, the secret government of the Earth intends to leave our planet and head to another dimension where life can be thousands of times nicer, happier and more expedient than here. Needless to say, such an escape will be committed only the chosen ones, and nobody shares their technology with commoners intends to. Perhaps a global cataclysm is already predetermined, which our blue ball will soon overtake, and the powers that be not even a good life in another hypothetical paradise reality, but to life in general. The rest of us will have to die in the course of this disaster.

A photo from open sources

Another theory says that portals opened by colliders will be used not for someone to enter them from our world, but quite the opposite, that is, for someone to come. Rulers of the earth hoping to let here beings from another dimension and what is the purpose such hospitality, one can only guess. But one thing is possible to say with accuracy: this does not bode well for us. Scientists already It has long been said that the clash of humanity with the inhabitants other planets or realities will certainly lead to deplorable results. If the aliens turn out to be stronger, they probably enslave or destroy us. And vice versa, if humanity is more advanced, it will do the same with outsiders.

However, third ones say, there are still higher powers and the Most High, and because no one knows to what extent the strong will be allowed This world mock our planet. Rather, the Earth will simply erase humanity is like a failed experiment, and it will start all over again. AND this will not be the first time …

Hadron Collider Universe Money Life Portals

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