A photo from open sources What parents just do not come up with On the one hand, punish your child, and on the other, do not use this barbaric physical beatings. This is especially true of the United States, where this can easily be lost and parental rights.
United States Hairdresser Owner Russell Fredrick approached this matter purely professionally: he threatened to his son that if he behaves badly, he will cut his hair already not bald, as happened more than once before, but … under the old man.
And although Russell didn’t have to cut his offspring like that, he used this idea to cut other naughty kids. Herself the haircut soon even got a name – “Under Benjamin Button”. Today, Fredrick already has many parents cutting their children, and that the most interesting is that such a punishment works one hundred percent.
Moreover, the haircut “Under Benjamin Button” quickly spreads around the country, and thanks to the Internet they have already learned about it and residents of other countries. Great idea! – exclaim popes and mothers, and if not sheared, then they will certainly scare their children with a haircut under old man. Since the boys don’t like this haircut, the educational effect of her is undeniable. Still in Tibet a look at the educational process.
That’s just what happens if the haircut is “Under Benjamin Button” suddenly become fashionable? It is possible that …