Haircut not only changes the face of a person

Haircut changes not only the face of a personA photo from open sources

A haircut makes us not just more attractive and fashionable, it also changes our inner self, which has long been noticed psychologists. This property of a person can well be used in practical purposes.

For example, this approach to charitable activities uses the religious organization Union Rescue Mission (USA), which in this way – through a haircut – changes the attitude homeless to themselves and their position, and thereby helps them start new life. For this, as it turned out, you do not even need to supply a man with money, find him a job, place of residence – he is everything it is able to do it myself. Enough of it – fashionable to cut.

Watch a video that shows how better than words a person changes externally after a haircut. It turns out, if support her, then the homeless is rapidly changing and internally. That’s why Union Rescue Mission employees shear homeless people not just once, but invite them to constantly come to them for a “new look” – face normal prosperous person. And this, oddly enough, helps a lot better than any other charitable activities and gifts.

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