Photo from open sources
The photo below has flown a few days ago domestic and foreign entertainment resources. Alleged what a resident of an unnamed Russian city saw in the evening sky something fancy and captured it on camera, and then laid out the received image on the Internet.
Our unknown compatriot photographed a gap in the dark clouds, suspiciously reminiscent of its shape of the “sickle and hammer” – the legendary state emblem of the USSR. “Heavenly symbol” personifying the unity of workers and peasants, it turned out so clear and unequivocal that the Russian hardly believed his to the eyes.
A photo from open sources
Many World Wide Web users who have looked at this photo felt that we are talking about a sign from above. Perhaps Russian society expects the return of socialist or even communist ideas, numerous commentators say. Some Network regulars joke that the “hammer and sickle” was artificially applied by someone to the clouds as a statement that It is time for Russia to shed the “fetters of hated capitalism.”
Of course, there were commentators who decided that before us is a skilled installation. However, so far no one has succeeded find evidence that the image has been processed in photo editor. Most likely, nature just joked like this us. Or did she give a sign? ..