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It turns out that we inherit happiness because fifty percent it depends on genes, or genetic predispositions to this bliss. So say scientists.
We go further: ten percent happiness depends on random circumstances, and for forty – from the actions of the person himself. And if we cannot change heredity, then act consciously and reasonable to fully control the remaining fifty percent of the reasons for happiness – quite.
Someone from the researchers of human happiness just noticed that genes are just a deck of cards that a person receives when birth, but how he will play them, depends only on him. At the same time, being a reasonable builder of his happiness, a person can control not only those forty percent that depend on it actions, but also those ten percent of supposedly random events. The thing is that in human life there is nothing accidental, and therefore all good luck or misfortunes fall on our heads in severe dependence again from our efforts, although there are not so much actions as our thoughts and our attitude to events play a decisive role.
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In order to be happy, it is argued, for example, in learning transerfing, it’s enough to learn how to react correctly current events. If you can rejoice even at failure and tragedies – they will no longer appear in your life, but learn truly thank the world for all the good that it will give you – happiness will no longer leave your home.
Most people believe that for their happiness they will certainly not enough, one wants to change sex, another find a princess or Prince, someone is haunted by the outgoing youth, almost everyone dreams about wealth … However, scientists argue that the implementation of such dreams add no more than six percent, and then not always. Man is happy only in creative creation, and when he reaches something that he really dreamed about, then stops at his progress and feels the deepest disappointment.
A photo from open sources
Therefore, you need to create your happiness from what is, not looking at any genetic predispositions and build it consciously, purposefully and certainly creatively, getting satisfaction is already from this process itself – this is the present happiness. And it is available to almost everyone …
A life