Harvard scientists have learned to stop aging process

A photo from open sources This breakthrough can be used to creating a medicine that can restore cell youth organism. A group of scientists from Harvard and the University of New South Wales said they learned how to stop and reverse aging process. While you can rejuvenate only mice, but initial scientific trials in humans have already begun, and The results promise to be stunning. Team of researchers from Harvard University and the University of New South Wales announced an amazing discovery – they managed to stop the process aging in mice. As scientists explained, using natural proteins and molecules they were able to disable the genes responsible for aging, and activate the “young” genes, reports ABC. Till experiments took place on laboratory mice, but scientists announced that started the first phase of clinical trials in humans. “We opened genes that control how the body fights aging and if activate them correctly, they have a very powerful effect, may even reverse aging, at least in mice, ” said Professor David Sinclair, who leads the team of scientists. “We introduced them a molecule called NMN and for a week muscle aging has stopped, ”Sinclair added. According to the scientist, this breakthrough can be used to create drugs that can restore cell youth organism. He added that human trials are recent, but The results are expected to be promising.

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