A photo from open sources
According to The Guardian, Casey’s 3 year old Hathaway lost on January 22 when adults did not find the boy near his grandmother’s house (Craven American District), where before he played with peers, and sounded the alarm.
And there was something: the child sank into the water, besides the temperature dropped to minus 6 degrees Celsius, and the baby was easily dressed. It wasn’t possible to find Casey until night …
Two days rescuers, volunteers and dog handlers combed the terrain. People took to the air; all water bodies were examined, located nearby – but to no avail.
Heavy rains began on January 24, and the search was decided to stop. Hopes that the child in such conditions could survive, almost gone. But it was on this day that the rescuers accidentally heard a boy crying in the bushes on one of the lake islets where Casey ultimately discovered.
A photo from open sources
Despite the fact that the child was very cold and hungry, he turned out to be completely healthy, even hypothermia was not observed organism. According to Casey himself, he was patronized all this time bear.
Sounds like a fairy tale, but County Sheriff Chip Hughes stated that without such help the baby could not get across ice water on island (to everything else, he did not know how to swim). What then talk about miraculous survival on frosty nights in the open, Yes, even without food?
Aunt Casey believes that the Lord himself saved the child by sending him help of a wild bear, which suddenly became tame and caring. Recall that the North American black bear (baribal) reaches growth of two meters (if it stands on its hind legs), however, it does not aggressive and extremely rarely attacks a person – only in case protect your offspring. However, some believe that the boy I didn’t save the baribal, but the good yeti, since there’s no trace of the bear during the search, rescuers did not see, but they paid attention to any, even the most insignificant little things.
A photo from open sources
But the journalists immediately remembered that last year he was baribal actually saved two guys who collected wild garlic in the taiga and got lost. Faced with the bear, they were so scared that climbed a tree where they suddenly got a mobile phone (a missing signal appeared), due to which they were able to cause lifeguards. And although in this case the black bear helped people indirectly, today he was remembered with a kind word …
Water Time Bears Edgar Cayce