A photo from open sources
Indian sadhu (holy ascetic) Amar Bharati for 44 years holds his right hand raised – in the name of peace on earth. For almost half a century his arm completely atrophied, turning almost to the bone, covered with skin. And fingers crown the spirals twisted nails that no one has cut for this for a long time.
Once this man was an ordinary clerk in New Delhi and his name was then Mahant Amar Bharti Ji. He even had a family, however in 1970 in the year he abandoned everything and devoted himself to the god Shiva. Three years later, an Indian realized that he was constantly overcome by worldly temptations. To freed from them, he raised his hand up, and so holds it to so far. Or rather, it has not fallen for a long time, since lost such a function.
At first it was painful, the holy man admits, but then he got used to this state, and the hand gradually freed him from physical suffering.
A photo from open sources
Some believe that Amar Bharati raised his hand in the name of peace to Earth, because I was very worried about numerous wars and all kinds of strife on our beautiful planet. Moreover, many of his followers also raised their hands in the name of peace and now live in that condition. Some of them have lasted 25 years, so Amar has worthy disciples.
The sadhu himself explains this action:
I do what many saints did before me. This is urdhaman tapasya, a form of service to God when you dedicate and give him part of your physical body. I – gave a hand, this just a spiritual tradition.
A photo from open sources
In the name of God and faith in him, many sadhus can perform ascetic acts that from the point of view of worldly life seem or strange, or even impossible. For example, 88-year-old resident India Prahlad Jani has long been living in a cave near the temple of the goddess Amba Mata Moreover, for the past 8 years, this sadhu has not eaten anything or even drinks water. It seems fantastic, but doctors have confirmed it all. documented, not understanding, however, themselves, due to which there is this person. It is believed that without water, our body can exist for no more than two to three days. And here – eight years …
Water india