Holy Grail for Obese

TheA photo from open sources

Houston Research Institute developed a tool for weight loss, which acts as thyroid hormones. how one of the developers of the drug, Dr. Kevin, told reporters Phillips, a medicine that increases the metabolic rate, and this leads to sharp and significant weight loss. Received a unique drug name GC-1.

With its help, everyone knows the white fat, which is the main energy store, easily converted into the so-called “brown” fat, eliminating obesity by intensive burning of calories and quickly turning them into heat.

A new tool was tested on mice and found out: when burning excess calories rodent body temperature rose by three, and in some cases and four degrees, but thick mice in just a half or two weeks lost half their own weight.

Kevin Phillips says a fat-burning innovative drug GC-1 will be used in the future against obesity and treatment various metabolic diseases.

However, as scientists note, to test the remedy in humans is still early because a sharp and unpredictable increase in body temperature the patient can become fatal for a person. It is possible that a medicine that is so active in fats can also negatively affect the other components of our body.

Endocrinologist Jason Wexler calls the Holy Grail GC-1, but at the same time notes that scientists have a long and painstaking work aimed at further studying the effect of the drug on human body.

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