In the XV-XVI centuries, the idea of creating a homunculus – an artificial person – through alchemical process. Tried to grow his homunculus and Paracelsus. And although he himself claimed that he had achieved in this matter success, there is no evidence to support this fact. Not evidence of one of his looks too convincing followers, Count von Kuffstein, who allegedly raised a whole a dozen homunculi. A photo from open sources
However, is it worth it to quibble? In the end there are recognized authorities who did not consider it shameful to take their words on faith. Three centuries after Paracelsus, Johann Goethe wrote the drama Faust, whose hero creates a living little man – a homunculus. A if so, why don’t we at least get interested in how is it is being done? The recipe for cooking a man in his treatise “De Natura Rerum” Paracelsus wrote: “Human creatures can be born without natural parents. “He I was sure that these “creatures” can grow and develop, being created without the participation of male and female principles. Great “arrogant” claimed that man can be created by artificial by, for which only the intervention of an experienced alchemist is sufficient. So, for the “preparation of man” – the homunculus – is required airtight flask, semen and … horse dung. (Cum – The main ingredient in this recipe. To get the result an egg is not needed. Put the sperm in a bottle, put it in the manure and … we go for help to a familiar alchemist – you cannot do without him, because only he can make the substance come to life and begin to move. After forty days, the organic contents of the bottle will take the form and human features, however, this wonderful transformation will be able to contemplate again, only an alchemist, for all others – the uninitiated – The “prefabricated” homunculus will be invisible. However, upset early. Be patient and for the next forty weeks keep invisible at mare’s womb temperature and generously nourish his “human life force,” that is, blood. As a result the homunculus will appear to you in all its glory – the perfect human a child who, if anything, will be different from that born of a woman, it’s only for its tiny size. What to do next? If you believe Paracelsus, then “it can be raised and educated, like any other child until she is older and acquires mind and intellect will not be able to take care of itself. ” You are smiling? Have you ever heard more stupidity? So that it is so, but still do not rush to boo Dr. Hohenheim. IN in the end, something more grew out of this “crazy” idea important is the in vitro fertilization method (from the test tube), thanks to which many people finally found a long-awaited child. “Prophetic Spirits” Be that as it may, experience Paracelsus, albeit unsuccessful, excited many minds, so he had enough followers. In 1873 she went to Vienna the book of a certain doctor Emil Bezetsny “Sphinx”, in which the curious readers could find some interesting descriptions if desired “spirits” – produced by Count Johann Ferdinand von Kuffffin in Tyrol in 1775. The source of these descriptions was the diary. Jasper Kammerer, who served with the count in an honorary position butler and assistant. It is thanks to his revelations to us now it is known for certain that in the service of von Kuffshtein was ten homunculi, or, as he called them, “prophesying spirits,” who lived in bottles filled with water. These same “spirits” were created in five weeks of joint efforts of Count von himself Kuffstein and the Italian mystic Abbot Geloni. Each of homunculi got his name – one was called the “king”, the second – “queen”, third – “knight”, fourth – “monk”, fifth – “nun”, sixth – “architect”, seventh – “miner”, on the eighth, the “seraph”. And the ninth and tenth “perfume” were known like blue and red.
A photo from open sources
The face of the blue Bottle in which contained homunculi, were closed with bull bubbles and some magic seal. I must say that the “perfume” was very small growth – only 23 centimeters, which very upset their creator von Kuffstein. Desiring that they grow faster, the Count placed them into even larger bottles. Then buried them in a pile of horse of manure and almost spontaneously every day sprayed it some kind of liquid. After all these procedures, the manure began to ferment and emit steam as if warmed by an underground fire. Earl decided that the time had come to take the bottles into the light of God, he was impatient to see how his “crumbs” have grown. Well, it turned out that the homunculi and really great added in growth – reached as much as 35 centimeters, in addition, males have grown beards and nails. Abbot Geloni provided all the “spirits” suitable clothes – according to their rank and dignity. Only blue and red “spirit” because of the incorporeal attire did not get. They are generally were not visible to the human eye. When the abbot hit the seal on neck, the water in the bottle was stained blue (or, accordingly, shaped) color, and “perfume” showed faces. Face the blue “spirit” was beautiful, and the face of the red “spirit”, on the contrary, made a terrifying impression. Conditions The count fed his wards every four days some pink stuff. Once a week, the bottles were filled with clean rain water. The water was changed very quickly, because, when the “spirits” were in the air, they lost consciousness. Diet red “spirit” included a weekly sip of chicken blood, moreover blood disappeared into the water right there, not even having time to color it. By the way they changed the water with enviable regularity – once every two or three days, and each time the bottle was opened, the water in it became dark, cloudy and spread the smell of rotten eggs. Blue “spirit” one could only dream of such treatment – his bottle is always was sealed, and therefore he did not eat anything and lived his whole life in the same “aquatic environment”.
A photo from open sources
A sad fate Why did the count need homunculi? Everything is very simple. Prophetic Spirit Bottles brought to the room where members of the Masonic lodge met, chaired by von Kuffstein himself. During meetings “spirits” predicted future events, and almost always them prophecies came true. They knew the most secret, but each of they knew only what was related to his rank: for example, the “king” could talk about politics, the “monk” – about religion, the “miner” – about minerals. Only the blue and red “perfumes” knew everything. By accident, the vessel containing the “monk” fell on the floor and crashed. The poor homunculus died after several painful breaths, despite the best efforts of the count to save him. Attempt to produce the same, undertaken by the count alone without the help of an abbot (who had left shortly before) led to failure. Count managed to create only a small creature, faintly reminiscent of a leech, which soon died. And the “king” was completely unbelted: he escaped from his bottle, which was not properly sealed. When his found the butler, the “king” was sitting on top of a bottle in which contained the “queen”, and tried to free her. He ran to the call Count, after a short chase, he caught the fugitive, who, due to prolonged exposure to air was already close to fainting, and returned it to the bottle. Apparently, in subsequent years, Count von Küffstein began to worry about saving his soul, waking up his conscience demanded that he get rid of homunculi, which after some hesitation he did. And the impossible perhaps True or not – now no longer find out. However, the main thing is that the very idea of creating a person out-of-sex way has ceased to be blasphemous. Anyway, in 19th century German chemist Justus Liebig suggested that someday chemistry will certainly create organic matter by artificial way. And Jacob Moleshott is a famous German physiologist and philosopher, who lived in the same 19th century, went even further: he assured that in able to create the conditions in which they can be produced organic forms. … In Rome, on one of the squares, today you can find a large stone on which some obscure signs. They say that these letters are nothing but encrypted the formula for creating an artificial person is the homunculus. A. Afanasyeva, “Interesting newspaper. Magic and mysticism” №17 2012 g.