Photo from open source City of Maningridu (Australia) occupied tens of thousands of tarantulas, while in the village itself There are approximately two thousand inhabitants.
According to specialist arachnologist Robert Raven, scientists so far It is not known what caused the invasion of the city of poisonous spiders. Raven says tarantula clusters usually don’t count more than three hundred individuals. The scientist believes that the migration of insects could cause changes in their living conditions in the old place of residence. In addition, a large amount of food could bring them to Manningrid, although, of course, this again requires a condition under which spiders suddenly became hungry in their former habitat.
According to the Australian publication The Land, most tarantulas settled at the floodplain, where people do not live. To place schoolchildren came here with a tour of dangerous spiders, and some townspeople even touched the tarantulas with their hands. Moreover, about cases of attacks of the latter on people are not reported.
It should be noted that a tarantula attack is not dangerous to human life, although it can be fatal for a number of animals. Bite this spider, similar to a hornet sting, causes a person to swell, and sometimes prolonged vomiting. But nothing more, but animals can suffer more serious.
By the way, the recent invasion of other poisonous spiders is much worse – “black widow” – to Kazakhstan. But here’s what strikes, karakurt, capable of killing a person in a few minutes with one bite, the sheep who eat them with pleasure are not at all afraid. It turns out quite the opposite than with tarantulas – amazing still nature in its manifestations!
Australia Kazakhstan