Houston survives black invasion birds

The city of Houston is experiencing an invasion of black birdsPhoto from open sources

At the turn of the last two winter months, when many residents Texas perceive this line as a transition to real spring, in the city of Houston suddenly came with whole clouds of black birds. And that was far from spring gift of nature …

Residents of this metropolis, which is considered the fourth in the US by the number of people seriously concerned about this invasion of birds, which, as almost all commentators and commentators assure, is not is a good omen.

Firstly, the birds are black, and therefore are associated with something bad. Secondly, there are a lot of them, almost millions, gathering in flocks and just walking around the city. Thirdly, they are the Gracians who never settle in cities, even in small quantities. Fourth, if this bird migration, then why this time it is so strange, why millions of birds suddenly appeared on the streets of a metropolis.

Believers in Houston immediately spoke of the approaching Apocalypse, reporters tried to connect this with the tragedy in China, that is, with the Wuhan coronavirus, which is supposedly somehow it is transferred in this way around the world. Some the newspapermen, in their assumptions, even reached the point where birds, eating worms and larvae, anticipate that in Houston they soon there will be a lot – that’s how you can even scare people!

And what do ornithologists say about this? And they themselves in perplexed by such a surprise of nature. But they have their own, more or less intelligible explanations of what happened. Quite possible, scientists say that the migration of birds was affected by the displacement of the northern poles, and this somehow violated their orientation in space.

It is possible that there are some other factors that have negative impact on the migration of huge masses of birds, for example, modern communication systems, the launch of all new missiles, providing from space GPS navigation, mobile communications and Internet, incomprehensible chemotracks in the sky and so on.

In general, ornithologists themselves do not understand what is happening with these birds, why exactly the graracles and why they chose Houston, and not any other city in the state of Texas or even America as a whole.

Meanwhile, black birds, as shown in Hitchcock’s movie horrifies people who don’t expect from these feathered nothing good.


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