How a giant whale carcass ended up on top the rocks?

How did the carcass of a giant whale end up on top of a cliff?A photo from open sources

In the North Devorn of the United Kingdom on the coast Heartland Marina, which is distinguished by its rocky locals discovered a dead whale beached.

He turned out to be a real giant, which, as suggested experts, he died even at sea, and only then the waves threw him to land. But it was not so much the size of this marine mammal that surprised everyone, how much is the fact that the animal got almost to the top quite high mountains.

Local authority spokesman Richard Hayst told reporters that you have to wait a few days – to see if the sea this carcass back. If this does not happen, which is likely since it is incomprehensible to the mind how all this is possible (how the whale appeared on top of the mountain), the carcass will have to be buried on the shore.

Local fishermen are convinced that the sea is also a living creature, possessing consciousness and enormous opportunities, and therefore capable and not for such miracles, but for some reason it threw it away a huge whale ashore and even thrown to such a height. It is difficult to assume that the sea is amusing like this, but because, they are sure, the waves will not take the mammal back, for some reason unknown to us, this marine animal is destined to be buried in the earth …

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