How animal welfare law turned cubs into “sissies”

How Animal Protection Law Turned Teddy Bears IntoA photo from open sources

According to Nature magazine, there is a law in Norway, according to which hunters do not have the right to kill a she-bear if she is with a teddy bear. It’s been a certain time after accepting this, generally humane legislation, and scientists observing behind the behavior of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in the country, notice strange things.

First, the dipper gradually doubled the custody of cubs (on average from one year to two), why young animals becomes a “sissy”, that is, less fit to harsh life in nature. Secondly, reproduction decreased animals, since the she-bear, while they take care of the cubs, do not mate.

It turns out a very interesting picture, the researchers write: man in a desire to protect nature from himself, practically dealt her another damage.

A photo from open sources

By the way, we add that in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant after accident, to the surprise of scientists, animals not only did not suffer from radiation, but, on the contrary, began to multiply and develop intensively: new species of wild animals appeared here long ago destroyed people in these parts, and all living creatures literally “blossomed” and “picked up.” But the reason for this metamorphosis lies not in radiation, but in that a person in a given territory has stopped interfering in nature, gave her the opportunity to develop as she wants and knows how. And no radiation in this case is a hindrance (if only there were no nearby human) for the successful development of all types of animals and plants.

The Norwegian Bears example from Nature magazine practically proves the same thing, only as if from the opposite, when a person constantly makes changes to the world around him, even sometimes without realizing how this or that action will affect nature. For example, here is what John Swenson writes about this – Researcher, Norwegian University of Life Sciences:

In Norway, you can now meet the female Ursus arctos with a bear cub is four times more likely than one by one, if you compare this an indicator, say, with the nineties of the last century. And especially it is striking in areas where traditionally most often shooting of these animals is underway. It turns out that bears intuitively (or knowingly) understood how to protect yourself from people, using their own laws. However, nature as a whole from this only suffered …

The Bears

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