Photos from open sources The easiest and most effective way – using power fields. However, we can only observe this possibility in science fiction films.
Well, no, say Boeing’s engineering engineers who recently patented a unique technology to protect any transport means from a blast wave, say shells and bombs, technology, which is based precisely on the creation of a power machine around fields. Rather, it will be said that while this invention saves only from a shockwave, and not from direct fragmentation hits, but great trouble – the beginning. Most importantly, scientists have found a way, by which can be advanced in this direction.
When an explosion occurs near a vehicle, in the equipment installed on it will trigger a sensor that instantly calculate the force of the explosion and the time after which it reaches shock wave. After that, “arc generators” are turned on, which form a force field around the machine with the help of powerful lasers. It turns out a kind of bubble from the plasma, which is partially absorbs a wave, partially reflects it, and also partially changes it direction. But in general – the vehicle is protected from seventy percent possible strike, or even more (technology will still be improved).
The author of this invention is Brian Brian engineer Tillotson, who says his method can protect against the blast wave is not only vehicles, although for starters it It was developed precisely for this purpose – to protect military equipment. IN further with the help of such a force field it is possible to protect that anything, including the person himself, as we have seen more than once in fantastic films.