Хроника объявленного апокалипсиса Фото из открытых источников
In Moscow in an underground bunker on Taganka at About 300 people hid for almost a day at a depth of 65 meters. Coming out of shelters, recluses said that at night they fought back attacks of sinister zombies and ghosts. True, the monsters turned out to be mummers. Presentation and voluntary “imprisonment” cost customers 15-20 thousand rubles.
And the Buddhists of Russia all day prayed for everyone, to ward off the doomsday doom. After all, according to their ideas on the world two elements should collapse one after another – fire and water.
For luxury shelters, American moneybags laid out from 50 to 75 thousand dollars. The author of the project is Vivos, based in California, in the old days the construction of fully autonomous nuclear bomb shelters with all imaginable amenities.
The current ones differed little from them. Survivors comfortably end Light specialists Vivos advise not to refuse to purchase: because in the future both nuclear war and destructive are possible earthquake with tsunami.
In Central and South America still since the holiday reigns. Firstly because local Indians never did not believe in the apocalypse. In their opinion, after the December 21 era The Fifth Sun will be replaced by the era of The Sixth. And secondly, poor the people there are very happy with the invasion of tourists from all over the world. Solemn shamanistic rituals, festivals, songs and dances passed by the ancient grandiose pyramids in the ancient city of Teotihuacan in 50 kilometers from Mexico City.
And Argentineans were embraced by other moods. They robbed supermarkets in the cities of San Carlos de Bariloche, Santa Fe, Entre Rios and Chaco. Residents carried out of stores not only clothes and food, but even refrigerators and televisions. To avoid punishment for thieves hiding behind the end of the world failed. Special forces of the federal police detained malicious troublemakers. And pacified the crowd with gunshots at air.
Over a thousand sectarians spreading fearsome rumors about Earth’s death was delayed by police in China. Among them – most of the forbidden Christian sect “God Almighty. “All day December 21 they distributed leaflets, books and films about the rebirth of Jesus Christ into a woman living in one of the central Chinese provinces. She allegedly came to Earth to save the world.
The menu of a restaurant in a small town Italy on this day offered special dishes: Apocalyptic Pizza and Judgment Wine.
And the Swedish police on their page in Facebook turned to hiding and not repenting criminals. Like, come with the confession. There will be a buffet table.
The end of the world Russia