How do toothpaste manufacturers destroy our teeth

How toothpaste makers destroy our teethPhoto from open sources

Teeth and human health in general suffer

If you follow the advertising of toothpastes, it’s not difficult to notice as more and more new brands appear. Each advertised today, pasta is just a panacea for all dental problems and better it certainly is not and cannot be. But … does not pass even six months, as a new paste appears, even better. And how people suffered from all kinds of dental diseases and problems with the oral cavity, so maybe now there.

And the paradox is this: all, without exception, produced dental pastes are just a commercial product unsuitable for health man and his teeth in particular. If you dig deeper, in any shoppaste contains terrible toxic substances – sodium Larium sulfate, parabens, triclosan. These are the main, most dangerous for teeth and human health in general, chemicals. There are others. A because the paste still enters the esophagus and thus poisons the whole the body. And even the advertised fluorine, which is part of individual Toothpastes are far from safe for human health.

Useful do-it-yourself toothpaste

A good, in every way healthy pasta that will to really take care of your teeth (as a mother, dear!) and when this does not harm other organs, you can and even NEED to cook yourself.

Here is the easiest recipe. We take white clay 50-60 grams, mix with melt (distilled) water to a paste-like mass, add 8-10 drops of water-based propolis, two drops each essential oil of chamomile and sage and a teaspoon of honey. All this mixes and is the best toothpaste for your teeth and gums ready.

Do not be alarmed that some ingredients are not familiar to you or seem inaccessible. Today, through the Internet, you can get everything anything. Then in such a paste the main base is white clay (by the way, in Russia, teeth were always brushed with clay, and therefore to dental doctors didn’t go), everything else is an add-on that you can even create it yourself, for example, changing essential oils, adding some herbs, sea salt, soda …

You can whiten your teeth with simple salt water – they did the ancient Greeks, and no one is the best environmental remedy invented. It does not hurt to add a few drops to the saline solution lemon juice. But after eating you need to chew not advertised chewing gum – this chemical muck and poison, and clove: and smell in the mouth will be good, and health benefits for a whole century.

A unique recipe for Neumyvakin

Since almost everyone has bad teeth today, we offer a unique recipe for their treatment and whitening, created by the famous healer I.P. Neumyvakin.

This is a very simple (in terms of cooking) pasta, which helps with gum disease, periodontal disease, it treats various wounds, removes stone and blackness from teeth, whitens teeth, eliminates bad smell and much more.

We take half a teaspoon of soda, add 15-20 drops to it hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of lemon. Everything – the pasta is ready. Now with the help of fleece we rub gums with it, teeth – in the morning and in the evening, until all health problems disappear.

They will surely disappear if you make it a rule to never listen to commercials about miraculous toothpastes like Blendamed, store elixirs, chewing gum and other chemical muck.

Water Health

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