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Statistics claim that insomnia to one degree or another every third adult suffers, especially older people, especially the townspeople, especially the people of mental labor.
Do not fight insomnia with medication.
Anything can be the cause of insomnia, but the most common factors of this unpleasant phenomenon are various stresses and experiences, as well as excessive use medicines, for example, painkillers, lowering pressure and so on.
A photo from open sources
The use of sleeping pills in this case is completely meaningless. It’s all one to drink a decent dose for a sound sleep. alcohol. Over time, the body will require increasing doses. or stronger drugs, and under the influence of them it will simply start collapse – a vicious circle is obtained. It must be clearly understood that sleeping pills is not a cure for insomnia, but only temporary (best of all – one-time) going to sleep by force.
A photo from open sources
Insomnia leads to premature body wear
Insomnia is terrible not only for its unpleasant psychological state, she is a bell that with your body, psyche, not everything in okay, and that soon more, more serious troubles such as obesity, diabetes, all kinds of cardiovascular disease and even cancer.
A photo from open sources
Therefore, insomnia must be fought, but not with the help of pharmacy drugs, and through the use of natural medicines, called folk remedies. Among them, honey various soothing herbal teas … however easy You can defeat insomnia by the most effective means – make banana tea.
Cooking Banana Tea for Insomnia
Cooking it is very simple. We take one banana, cut it from him “nose” and “tail”, peel, and then throw into boiling water (200 milliliters) the banana itself and its peel (in the banana peel contains the most valuable for our body magnesium, lack which, incidentally, is sometimes the cause of insomnia). And boil all this is 10 minutes. Filter, add a pinch to the resulting tea cinnamon and drink this delicious drink right before sleep. You can add some more honey to it.
A photo from open sources
And finally, if you are not already suffering from insomnia, but sleep is already it doesn’t bring you such pleasure as in childhood or youth, Be sure to try banana tea with cinnamon. Moreover, bananas today are the most affordable and cheapest fruits that you can purchase anywhere in Russia (and not only the Russian Federation) and at any time of the year. Moreover, after twenty years of age, or even before, almost every one of us to one degree or another suffers from lack of magnesium in the body …
Also check out some good tips regarding what to do before going to bed so that our banana tea does not enter a contradiction with your evening routine, and thereby one hundred percent Percent helped you avoid insomnia.
Russia time