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There are many different spiritual practices in this world that lead person to understanding, and then achieving true happiness on The earth. For example, it could be Sri Integral Yoga School Aurobido or Transurfing by Vadim Zelanda. However, each such practice requires a person to give a huge return of strength (almost a feat), and sometimes a certain spiritual readiness – that’s why in the world many various schools of development and improvement.
However, there’s a very simple way to always be happy. magic wand is to awaken in your soul a feeling thanks. Scientists have spent hundreds in recent decades various studies and experiments, and all without exception showed that between the level of happiness and gratitude there is a direct interconnection. Try to thank God (the Universe) for a month, Fate, Nature, Mother Earth, for what you have in life, finally just people around you and any situations (even that seem negative), and you will find to your amazement that the world transformed, filled with light, joy and happiness.
A photo from open sources
However, thanks also need to learn, otherwise you will not be enough for more than a few minutes, at best for a few days. How to overcome this barrier of unbelief (this cannot be, because which can never be), laziness (which of us does not have it!), impatience (well, where is the promised happiness?), fear (and if will it fail me?) and so on and so forth?
A hundred thanks at once
Once you decide to try the practice of gratitude, take a pen, a blank sheet of paper and write a hundred things on it, for who you are ready to thank God (the Universe), Fate – well, whom whatever. This exercise is interesting because you suddenly understand how impoverish yourself, passing by your eyes, ears, finally, your mind and hearts of dozens of insights, events and situations that push fortunately, but you don’t even notice them in your restless dream momentary worries, worries and fears.
Thanks Journal
Then, be sure to keep a gratitude journal (you can electronic, if it’s more convenient for you), in which you enter everything that you managed to thank for the day. This magazine can be given all a couple of minutes a day, for example, before going to bed (or maybe in the morning – on fresh head). Such a magazine will teach you to remember those things and events that happen to you and that make you happy.
A photo from open sources
For example, a modern person without a feeling of gratitude, even getting a very desired, say, cool foreign car, knows how enjoy it all nothing – two or three days, and then rides it with the same bored and displeased look as before on Zhigulenke. A gratitude journal to keep short and concise phrases – this is the best way to acquire a unique spiritual skill – Thanks.
Mental gratitude
This is the most difficult, but very necessary and productive part. work – to learn in the soul to thank everything and everyone in this life. Woke up in the morning – thank God first (Universe) that he gave you another day of life, remember the best yesterday’s moments and thank Fate, Life for the gifts you have moments of happiness.
A photo from open sources
And then we learn gratitude for every hour, for every minute. For example, you have prepared your favorite Ceylon tea and thank in heart everyone who was involved in this, for example, Sri Lankan rural workers who raised and harvested it for you. We got on the tram – and thank the driver from the pure heart, who takes you to work or to university, and so on.
And finally, a little tip: find a little patience and Show maximum perseverance. Usually the first positive people notice the results from this practice after a few days, in a month your life will be transformed, and in three – you are no longer will represent how it is possible to live without gratitude, without it the sun of joy, which is much brighter and warmer than the usual shone in the sky. Unfortunately, a simple layman and his seldom notices, but often dreams of a magic wand, without even suspecting that she was very close …
Universe life