How feng shui helped Chinese officials

How Feng Shui Helped Chinese OfficialsPhotos from open sources of

In the Chinese province of Hunan, which is located in the southeast countries near one of the government agencies this week suddenly a giant stone appeared. Locals surprised such an innovation on their street, began to take pictures on the background blocks and upload the resulting pictures to the World Wide Web, wondering with fellow countrymen what it is. To the investigation quickly Journalists who decided to find out the secret of appearance mysterious boulder.

Employees of the land bureau, who acquired such an unusual sculpture near the place of their work, admitted to the media that huge stone they need for feng shui. The fact that the institution is experiencing recent years are simply fatal setbacks. Careers of local officials literally go downhill: civil servants are being cut, laid off, and one employee was even arrested on charges of major bribery and executed – shot by court order.

The officials consulted and concluded that the building has a very negative energy, bringing the bureau employees continuous misfortune. The Chinese decided to resort to feng shui – Taoist practice energetically correct organization of space. Government officials for a massive boulder got their money by helicopter from another part of the country. According to Chinese teachings, a large block in front of the construction will bring to people who are inside, good luck, health and peace of mind.

A photo from open sources

Feng shui has been approved over

It is noteworthy that the higher authorities were not opposed such an improvement. Land bureau really lately showed just terrible results, and no layoffs, reorganizations and replacement of employees could correct such a plight. Due to the fact that feng shui is a primordially Chinese philosophical teaching, which here try to follow everything from small to large, this is basically not amazing

Chen, one of the longtime bureau workers, eagerly told reporters that things have already gone uphill. Engage in service, by According to the civil servant, it became much calmer, the employees appeared confidence in the future, and this could not but affect positively on the productivity of the institution.

Someone will say that the boulder near the building only performs a role a placebo, and the whole thing here is simply valid self-hypnosis, however the Chinese firmly believe that give thanks for an instant improvement of the working environment is needed is ancient Taoist teaching, and massive stone in particular. Most likely they one hundred percent right, because our world is not so materialistic primitive, as it seems to us at first sight.

Stones China

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