How long will the AI ​​take to destroy all cities on Earth – scientists said

How long will it take AI to destroy all the cities on Earth - scientists saidA photo from open sources

According to scientists, artificial intelligence will need only a few seconds to wipe all cities off the face of the earth. Data the calculations are in the DailyStar, which referred to former Google programmer Laura Nolan.

Nolan clarified that under artificial intelligence should understand a system (or algorithm) that can make decisions independently, that is, without human intervention.

The expert proposes to consider the situation when on one the territory is a huge number of robots. IN a certain moment they begin to react to actions like machines, provoking a serious conflict. Something like “outbreak of war.”

Nolan believes the worst-case scenario is military conflict will be the destruction of a major metropolis or perhaps just peace in a few seconds. According to the expert, urgent need abandon the use of nuclear weapons, as they are in soon will not be under control person.

Bill Gates previously expressed his concern about so called “Veponization” by US AI, Russia, China and others countries. According to US media, the United States annually allocates hundreds of millions of dollars to develop technologies capable of independently manage military equipment.

Andrey Vetrov

US Artificial Intelligence Time

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