How one Australian was able to save 2.4 million newborns

How One Australian Could Save 2.4 Million NewbornsA photo from open sources

80-year-old Australian James Harrison surrenders plasma in his life blood 1000 times, due to which he was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most generous donor of this substance in the world. Blood plasma can donate more often than blood, and it’s safer for the donor, therefore, for the past 62 years, Harrison on average every 3 weeks visits the nearest blood transfusion station.

At the age of 14, James underwent complex breast surgery, during which he needed a transfusion of 13 liters of blood. Then doctors were surprised to find that the blood of a young patient contains unusually stable and strong antibodies to antigen D Rh factor. Harrison promised himself that at the age of 18 years, will certainly become a donor of his most valuable blood, and, as It turned out, fulfilled this promise.

A photo from open sources

Based on a unique Australian blood plasma, doctors created immunoglobulin Rho (D) vaccine, which has since been introduced into the total difficulty 2.4 million rhesus negative pregnant women Rh-positive children. Thus, all these children had the development of antibodies in the blood that would spill over into hemolytic jaundice of newborns is often fatal. TO In short, Harrison’s blood serum gave health and daughters.

The man’s blood is so unique that his life was insured on million dollars. Our hero received an honorary medal of the Order Australia and was nominated for the “Australian of the Year” Award. Journalists and many compatriots call James “Man with a Golden blood. “It’s interesting that one gram of blood plasma of this unique a donor is worth more than one gram of gold.

A life

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