A photo from open sources In the history of the Earth on which we live, already several times it happened that the planetary magnetic field changed. The magnetic field inversion results are very far from that paintings that we used to show in high-budget catastrophe films however don’t notice a change in direction magnetic field will be quite difficult.
The core of our planet is a colossal magnet. Once per several hundred thousand years the North Pole of the Earth becomes the South and vice versa. Communication and grid systems will be most affected field inversions. People, of course, will also experience these changes. For example, residents of Venezuela and Hawaii will begin to see the aurora. Unfortunately, otherwise the change in polarity of the Earth will be fatal to life character. A weakening magnetic field will weaken us before solar radiation, which will lead to the emergence of new ozone holes.
Many living organisms on our planet are sensitive to magnetic field. It allows them to navigate in space. through geomagnetism. However, in the history of the Earth inversion magnetic field occurred about a hundred and seventy times, and life adapted – not extinct.
Geomagnetic storms are known to be able to affect the mental state of humans and some other mammals, however, how will a change in polarity affect our mental health, is unknown. Many scientists, by the way, are convinced that humanity will destroy itself faster by environmental pollution and improper way of life than we live to see another geomagnetic inversion fields.
A life