Photo from open sources
Usually in such cases, people say – lucky, but esoterics argue that nobody ever gets a brick on their head just So. And if, nevertheless, it falls and does not fall, it must be assumed that higher powers diverted trouble from you.
Most often we attribute such intercession to ours Guardian angels. In this particular example (see video) The guardian angel clearly took care of the child who believes in him still subconsciously, although grandfather was under the guise of higher forces, most likely, thanks to his grandson.
The girl who became an involuntary witness to this terrible scene, clearly did not fall under the “accident.” However, as they say sorcerers and magicians, if you find yourself in the role of an observer of work Guardian angel, this should be taken as a sign that your personal the defender in this case is far from you (to you in this way remind of him), but because you almost walk around the edge abysses …
As it does not seem strange from the point of view of our human Logic, Guardian Angels get stronger and become more powerful amulets, if a person constantly seeks their help. If – no, these top defenders simply weaken and generally leave his client. So don’t forget these selfless guardians of your earthly life, believe in them and constantly rely to their help. If we turn, for example, to such an indisputable spiritual authority, like Seraphim of Sarov, who, incidentally, never been a minister and preacher of Christianity, although highly esteemed Jesus Christ, he repeatedly cited the main the words of the Savior: according to your faith, and it will be given to you. So do it conclusions…
As the Siberian hereditary witch and healer say Natalya Stepanova, more often contact your intercessor with such in simple words:
Guardian angel, come to me and do not leave me never wherever I go.
And do not forget about gratitude to all that exists that surrounds you, including your guardian angel, – this feeling should permeate your whole life. Only in this case will she happy and cloudless. Gratitude, along with Divine By love, is one of the main energies of this Universe, the lack of which leads to disease and misery, to suffering and premature of death…
Angels Life