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Probably every person who has suffered at least once in his life (especially this often happens on New Year’s Eve), I wondered why no remedy has yet been invented against this ailment. And this is when that, according to statistics, he suffers from a hangover on New Year’s holiday at least eighty percent of the adult population.
Scientists finally thought
However, the hangover is still an intriguing mystery for scientists. And the point here is not even that it’s some kind of insoluble problem, it’s just nobody is going to solve it – this a burning topic physicians and other researchers constantly ignored because working on it is considered shameful and immoral. Better people don’t drink.
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But people continue to drink alcohol, and continue to get sick with hangover, and therefore, finally, the international “Group British hangover researchers Keel University Scientist Professor Richard Stevens. And there is hope that they will finally come up with a magic pill from this disease is too common in the world.
Folk remedies for a hangover
In the meantime, there are only folk remedies for headaches, dry mouth, sweating, nausea, finally, from unwillingness to live with in the morning after a good libation in the evening. Not to mention the binge in a few days.
In Russia, in this case they drink brine, in China – strong green tea, in the USA – black coffee, in Germany they eat pickled herring, in Japan uses pickled plums, in Mexico – shrimp. And this one the list goes on and on.
However, Richard Stevens’ group, having thoroughly studied this problem, came to the conclusion that all folk remedies for a hangover – no more than a placebo. In fact, any hangover only removes time, or rather, he copes with it, in the end, himself human body. Moreover, even dehydrating it with a hangover and the need to replenish moisture is nothing more than a myth. A certain thirst in the morning, of course, is present, however, how much do not drink water, juice, tea, brine, a hangover from this will not easier.
Reasons for a hangover
The main reason for the hangover, the researchers determined, is congeners that are present in alcoholic beverages. Usually, their presence also gives color to alcohol. For this reason, the most a hangover-friendly drink is a medical alcohol, ideally alcohol with orange juice. Follow him by degree a gentle hangover is vodka, light beer, good white wine, whiskey, rum, good red wine, cognac and brandy … All the rest can not even be considered.
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At the same time, of course, drinks should be of high quality, say, vodka is crystal clear, beer is alive, and cognac is cognac, not tinted vodka. For the same reason, more terrible and a hangover becomes painful when drinks are mixed, remember what Woland Likhodeev said about this in the “Master and Margarita “? Although the devil’s advice to be treated with what he poisoned, Researchers believe – the most harmful and harmful in terms of relief from a hangover syndrome.
Scientists also found that the power of a hangover has an effect heredity. It turned out that in the world there are about twenty three percent of lucky people who are not hungover no matter how much they drink alcohol.
Learn to drink
Richard Stevens also concluded that most people who does not suffer from a hangover, just knows how to drink. And there are eighty such people percent in the world, so only twenty percent of drinkers are constantly suffer in the morning, fall into a binge, or even lie down under droppers. For this reason, the most common hangover is it may not seem strange, youth, not the elderly, dejected drinking experience. The opinion that the hangover syndrome with age is only amplified, nothing more than a myth.
So learn to drink, scientists advise. “Research groups hangover syndrome, “before the invention of the miraculous pill yet far, and to its implementation in life – and even more so. It says Professor Stevens, especially for the mentally unbalanced people who in the morning begin to literally destroy themselves morally. Drink only clean drinks and never mix one with the other, say, wine with vodka (on New Year’s Day – champagne with vodka). Not hurry up, the most false statement is that between the first stack and the second – the interrupt should be small.
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And remember, the most effective cure for a hangover is a dream. FROM in the morning you can take aspirin or something else anti-inflammatory, containing ibuprofen, but in no case medicines in which paracetamol or acetaminophen is included: they have a side effect to the liver, which is already overloaded with a hangover. And try never resort to the treatment “like like” …
So far, scientists say, they cannot offer anything new, the hangover turned out to be a tough nut, perhaps a miracle medicines against it in the form of a publicly available and cheap pill and will not be found. Although there are certainly crooks on the Internet, who will offer you them …
Life Russia