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Probably, every person at least once in his life was aware of himself in a dream, that is, he understood that he was sleeping and therefore he had nothing to be afraid. However, there is a whole doctrine of lucid dreams, which allows practitioners to become true masters of their own dreams.
What does this give a person? Pleasure first controlled by dreams, with which, as everyone who has experienced it says, even the most sophisticated modern computer games will not be compared. Secondly, many spiritual leaders, say, the founder of the doctrine Transerfing Vadim Zeland, claim that lucid dreams allow it is better for a person to understand our material world, to bring experience lucid dream into it, and already in this reality become a true director of his own destiny.
More recently, lucid dream researchers Mark Blagrov and Bethan Smith of Swansea University examined almost a hundred people (of both sexes and almost all possible ages), which are constantly dream vivid dreams. At the same time, the task of scientists was to educate subjects to see not just fairy tales, but to become in them directors.
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The simplest way to get lucid dreams
The study found that the easiest way to get lucid dream is an artificially created connection between not completely disabled consciousness and using the snooze button alarm clock (for example, on a mobile phone). That is, for this just set an alarm, say, an hour before you need to get out of bed, and when he starts to wake you up, every time press the redial button, immediately diving into sleep again. In such time a person enters the phase of REM sleep, the brightest to dreams. At the same time, his consciousness was already half awake, and allows these dreams to become aware, and to the person himself – director of their own dreams.
Mark Blagrov and Bethan Smith claim that such a method of obtaining vivid, unforgettable lucid dreams are very simple, and they can it’s easy to learn to use almost every person, thereby expanding your world and receiving in it additional joys and pleasure.
Returning again to Vadim Zeland, it is worth recalling that he considers any dreams as a journey of our soul through a space of unrealized options where you can easily get stuck (and abyss from our world), especially if this journey begins to lead is no longer our perfect soul, but rather primitive consciousness. However, this is nothing more than a warning to those who are in nothing doesn’t know the measure. But in principle, lucid dreams are an interesting thing, not only in terms of pleasure, but also contributing to the further spiritual development of man.