How to break out of a vicious circle?

How to break out of a vicious circle?A photo from open sources

Who has not heard that the roots of all human problems go back to him childhood and are related to education and the conditions in which he grew up. But scientists at Drexel State University Pennsylvania, in the course of research, also came to the conclusion that injuries sustained by a person in childhood lead in adulthood his – to poverty.

Children who have suffered emotional and physical trauma in the future will not be able to provide for their families, they say psychologists. They are convinced that the material situation of a person depends on how full his childhood was, whether he suffered a child from inattention of parents, what grades did he get at school, what was his relationship with peers, and even how much he ate well.

This theory is confirmed by the fact that women, subjected to physical and psychological abuse in the early ages, as a rule, are not able to adapt to adulthood, earn little and, as a result, cannot provide for their own children.

Marianne Chilton, an American psychologist studying hidden causes of material distress in families, now with confident that child injuries are another reason poverty and hunger in the world. But how to avoid their child, especially born to a poor and often also dysfunctional family? It turns out some kind of vicious circle. And how to break out of it? Scientists have no answer to this yet.

A life

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