How to choose a watermelon

How to choose a watermelonA photo from open sources

Before August, this amazing berry is better not to buy. The thing is that you can easily be poisoned by such a watermelon, but even if if you don’t get poisoned, then it won’t bring you any benefit and pleasure in any case – that’s for sure.

When to buy watermelons

Early watermelons – or brought from abroad, watery, unsweetened and practically empty, or grown in the back room at such “adored” by us nitrates. But in August you need to skillfully choose this tasty and healthy berry. For example, in no case get watermelons near the roads. Convenient – yes, sometimes even relatively cheap. However, it is worth knowing that watermelons instantly absorb exhaust fumes and other rubbish, which then it will go into your body.

A photo from open sources

What watermelon to buy

The seller of watermelons must have a certificate of product quality, and necessarily with a wet seal. What a pity that few people interested in. But let’s go further, that is, how to choose a good sweet watermelon. Just note that the division of this berry into a “girl” and “boy”, which is popularly accepted, is complete nonsense, from which nothing does not depend on the quality of the watermelon. Better pay attention to the handsome man of your choice was of medium size (no more than ten kilograms), without cracks, dents or other defects.

Now we proceed to determine the maturity of the watermelon. Dry ponytail and the yellow side is already a good indicator. Let’s try to pierce the skin watermelon with a fingernail. If this succeeds is relatively easy, and you immediately you smell the mowed grass – the berry is still unripe. Ripe watermelon should ring when you click on it, and crunch when it crush.

A photo from open sources

And although the best and safest watermelons are in August-September, among them, berries stuffed with nitrates may also come across. how to determine this? Cut the watermelon – carefully inspect the pulp. Unnatural red color, giving off a purple tint, obvious a sign of nitrates. Another litmus test – yellow fiber instead of natural white. Glossy cut surface which even sparkles with grains, an additional indicator that such a watermelon is better not to eat. If there is no way to take it back to a store, just throw it away – it’s more expensive.

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