How to clean your energy with a raw egg

How to clean your energy with a raw eggPhotos from open sources of

Today, true, many people know that everything in this world is endless flows of energy from which both our physical world is formed, so and everything else in this universe. Moreover, the man himself is the first it’s the energy structure, and only then the physical one. That is why his health and well-being in this world depends on purity of energies that flow through the body.

Any illness, trouble, not to mention serious problems and tragedies – all these are failures in energy flows, which are literally permeate our lives and ourselves. Therefore if in your life a black streak began, not to mention diseases, this is the first a signal that your energy body is very polluted, deformed, and therefore he needs urgent prevention. And this prevention can be done with regular raw chicken the eggs.

Best to buy homemade on the market (ideally from your own chickens), but, in principle, store ones will do, just the effect may be weaker. So, before going to bed, we collect half a glass of clean water and break the egg carefully there, mentally asking the Almighty, so that all the negativity is with you (or the person you want clean) left on this testicle. A glass is placed at the head of the head for the whole night.

In the morning we look what came of it: the yolk in this case is human life, and protein – the environment surrounding him. Usually an egg turns into shapeless twisted threads, foam and others deformations – this is the state of your energy today (or the person you started to clean). All this needs to be poured into the toilet, mentally wishing that all the sorrows were dissolved and gone, like this egg at the moment. After that, wash thoroughly glass and hands up to the elbow without fail with cold water, completing all this by reading a prayer, for example, “Our Father” or this:

Our Father, go through my house and take away all the worries and illness, and please protect my family! In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Repeat this operation with the egg for 9 days or more (you can not in a row), that is, until the next morning the testicle will be look the same as in the evening, that is, without any deformation.

I wish you success in cleaning your energy field, health and prosperity in life!

Water Life Health

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