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Scientists have long noticed that modern man has become sick more often, and the diseases themselves, for example, cardiovascular, sharply younger for Lately. That is, a person is overcome by serious ailments already in relatively young age – at thirty-forty years, not to mention about older people.
The main reason for this is the wrong lifestyle and just awful nutrition, the harmful effects of urbanization and, of course, negative impact on the human body of modern technology, let’s say the same mobile devices, computer, and so on. But the main enemy of man is his LAZiness, which he absolutely needs to win.
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The fact is that we have a truly inexhaustible reserve strength, which would not be afraid of any blows from the outside, if a person has not condemned himself to a fixed lifestyle with increased eating all kinds of rubbish like hamburgers, pepsi, chips, popcorn and many other “nutritious garbage”.
How to cheat habits and defeat laziness
The wise say that it’s easier for a person to give up life than from your laziness. This is why many people suffer from serious diseases, but at the same time they prefer to drink and swallow medicines, alleviating their suffering only partially and only for a short time, but but seriously aggravating the disease and completely ruining the body. Therefore, first you need to understand for yourself that modern medicines – they don’t treat, but cripple a person, and modern doctors in in most cases they simply profit from our laziness. Cast away medicine to hell, man needs it in rare cases, for example, as an emergency intervention by a surgeon or dentist. AND learn to eat right and keep the body in the right tone.
To begin with, we learn to cheat our eating habits. Not necessary no diets, and even more so vegetarianism, raw food diet and others newfangled “lifestyles.” It’s enough just to eat less and take product selection more seriously. For example, modern people, especially urban dwellers, consume 95 percent dead food (cooked on fire) and only 5 percent live (fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries). Try to bring it percentage to at least 60 to 30 percent and you immediately you will feel how your body will sing with joy, after which many sores just leave him. And if you still completely abandon refined food …
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Next, teach yourself to start the day with a glass of warm water, in which you need to add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, and through half an hour drink a glass of water a little hotter with baking soda (gradually bring to a teaspoon with the top). And no snacks before lunch (move on to it gradually). A few days – and you forget about your bad habit of having breakfast. Hydrogen peroxide and soda will treat you for many sores, clean your capillary vessels and protect even from cancer. And here is the morning “starvation” (as such, it is perceived for a week, no more) will allow the body to clean you well of all the excess that you shoved “yesterday” into yourself, especially in the evening, including removing your extra pounds and never gain them again.
How to defeat laziness and make yourself live life to the fullest
But a person must not only eat right, but also lead active lifestyle, that is, move, otherwise he will begin to literally rust and fall apart. Run to the gym? But it’s so difficult, there’s no time for it, and money is a pity. Of course all these are ordinary excuses dictated to us by laziness. So laziness is not to win.
A photo from open sources
But let’s fool her. Right, let’s not go to any gym, and try to find physical exercises that you can do easy, anywhere, but which in its effect on human the body will be commensurate with the most effective complexes physical activity. Are there really none?
For especially lazy and sedentary people there are magic (without any exaggeration) two exercises, simple and easy. Not looking on this, they allow a person to maintain excellent physical health. Moreover, such exercises even restore it, and pretty fast.
The first exercise (and you need to start with it) is vibro-gymnastics, which was invented by academician A.A. Mikulin. By the way let’s say that vibro-gymnastics allowed a scientist to live up to ninety years without drugs and doctors, while Alexander Alexandrovich himself said that at eighty he feels much more cheerful and better than fifty (it was fifty that he started having problems with health).
A photo from open sources
The exercise is very simple. In a standing position we tear off heels from floor two or three centimeters and sharply lower them. Thirty such sinking, five times a day – and many diseases will leave your body. A if they are not yet, they will never be attached to you.
The second exercise is squatting. Squat as often as possible and more – and you will never be ill with anything, you will not have extra pounds, you will not suffer shortness of breath, pain in lower back, heart attacks, varicose veins and so on and so on like that. For example, the artist Boris Efimov, who lived one hundred eight years and always looking cheerful and agile, like a youth, each crouched day at least four hundred times. And didn’t do any more exercise … As you can see, it’s not so difficult to defeat laziness.
A photo from open sources
By the way, if with vibro-gymnastics Mikulin you just need to choose convenient place, for example, in the doorway, so as not to disturb neighbors from below, the squat requires a certain skill, so as not to harm your legs and back. Just about this little video tutorial from a professional.
And a little advice: laugh as much as possible, or at least smile. Here is our chief physician and, moreover, an assistant in all endeavors. Be sure to get to know what a muscle corset is. Norbekova – and be healthy and happy until old age!
Water Time Life Health