How to explain the global with a beer bottle warming?

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Researchers believe that if you shake the bottle well with beer, and then open it, a lot of foam will burst out, which will be saturated with excessive gas. Scientists are also sure that a deeper understanding of this effect can help them simulate what could happen if carbon dioxide accidentally release from protection systems that are designed to containment of global emissions of gas into the atmosphere. Bottle pressure beer produced by gases concentrates the main pressure on the upper openable bottle parts. Within seconds, the foam created as a result of natural fermentation, concentrates, forming a foamy “mess”. To advance in their studies, scientists decided to record the course of experiments at help video recording. As a result, viewing high-precision tapes fixation, scientists found that the formation of impulses leading beer in foamy bubbles, concentrated in places of physical exposure to the bottle. In other words, while shaking beer bottles appear waves creating bubbles. Bubbles created by impulses, not only quickly born, but also disappear quickly. However, despite the natural process occurrence and destruction, beer bubbles differ in their natural size. Large bubbles form “seeds” around them. from smaller bubbles. Small bubbles, unlike their “parents”, grow not only much faster, but also create a series of cascades. These cascades expand rapidly and cause an explosion. foam that tends to break out, which resembles itself effect of a nuclear explosion. Researchers have suggested that the data this experiment can help simulate the behavior of explosions volcanic eruptions. In addition, this study should help understand natural disasters called “lake eruptions.” In both the first and second cases dissolved carbon dioxide suddenly flares up in the depths of the waters, and then produces a poisonous carbon dioxide emission. For example, in 1986 due to eruptions occurring in Lake Nyos, into the atmosphere more than 90 million cubic meters of toxic gases were emitted. IN the result killed about 1700 people, as well as more than 3000 goals cattle. To date, lake analyzes eruptions can help clarify understanding physical processes, not only the nature of eruptions, but also the assessment carbon dioxide emissions. Exactly these gas emissions affect the global warming of our planet. It turns out that a commonplace bottle of open beer can help explain to scientists the nature of radical changes in climatic conditions on the ground.

Global warming

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