A photo from open sources
Many who have resorted to diets in an attempt to lose excess weight, they know very well at what cost it goes. At the same time you have to go on a diet, and even take it from somewhere strength to exhaust yourself with training. Scientists who are the same people, after a long search for effective, and most importantly, not so hard ways to lose weight, discovered another – using power of thought.
Think about food more often
To do this, you need to think about how you eat your favorite food. Scientists believe that in this case, appetite is reduced, and craving for food disappears.
It was previously believed that to reduce cravings for a certain a product needs to think less about it. Now, researchers say that it is necessary on the contrary to think more often about food, thereby causing addiction to her. Food motivation gradually will decrease.
The author of this study, Carey Morewich, believes that habit affects the amount of food we consume, and it can regulated not only at the level of smell, external image, sound and etc., but also by how much we can imagine at the level of thoughts food consumption process. Researchers have speculated that this study will help give up cravings not only for food, but and other substances harmful to the body, such as tobacco or to alcohol.
Cons from losing weight by the power of thought
Some researchers believe that not everything is so simple in this approach, as frequent thoughts about food consumed are capable of force the body to produce gastric juice, which when ingested stomach and intestines, can lead to an ulcer, disturbance of microflora and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, I just want to say: even think about food in moderation, do not “overeat”.
ESOREITER used to talk about how weight loss is eliminated in Japan without all kinds of diets and tedious exercises.
Andrey Vetrov