Photo from open sources
One Russian proverb says curiosity is not vice, and very big disgusting. However negative quality to poke a person wherever they ask him is not only inherent Russian. Only all nations suffer from it.
And today, with the advent of numerous mobile gadgets with large screens, many felt it. Hard even imagine that if you, for example, in public transport keep personal correspondence with someone or browse through the ones you need (and only to you) web pages, absolutely no one will look through shoulder and will not be curious about what you are doing here, or even, which is even sadder, will not begin to work together with swamis in tandem. ”
Jalal Gogyash also experienced all this in his own skin – forty-two-year-old master of repairing mobile devices from the city Bismil (Turkish southeastern province of Dyarbakir). However in unlike other people, he was good at mobile phones that caused such unpleasant incidents, and because he got the idea to correct the situation when peeping into other people’s portable devices began to acquire signs of a massive epidemic.
From excessive curiosity of a person can only to fence
It was along this path that the Turkish artisan went. Jalal Gogyash came up with two microchips, one of which is inserted into a mobile device, and the other – in any glasses. The first chip makes it work the smartphone’s screen is white for everyone else except the person who puts on glasses with a second chip built into them, in contact with first via bluetooth. Now see everything that is done on the screen a mobile device, only the owner himself can, and no one else.
A photo from open sources
According to the inventor himself, such a system is not expensive at all, even now it will cost no more than ten dollars, although with this price will, of course, fall due to improvement the scheme itself and the cheapening of its components. And apply it It will be possible not only on mobile devices, but practically on any screen gadgets, including on a personal computer. After all, here, for example, when you work in the office or even at home, someone constantly looks over your shoulder.
The witty invention of Jalal Gogyash was tested in one of Internet cafe of his city, causing visitors to the institution some perplexity. There were even those who came up and asked the subject that he saw there was interesting in absolutely white monitor and is everything all right with the person? So you can suggest that the problem of peeping over your shoulder will soon go into the past, since such chips can be embedded in any gadgets yet at the stage of their development.
Another thing is interesting, how quickly this will happen, and, most importantly, will it glorify the small artisan – the Turkish inventor Jalal Gogyash?