Photo from open sources
The Amazon Delta is considered to be the lungs of our planet. Thick impenetrable forests growing on the banks of the mighty South American rivers produce tremendous volumes of oxygen, scattering all over the earth.
However, this state of affairs is rapidly changing. The Governments of Colombia, Brazil and Peru condone the fact that deforestation in their countries at a catastrophic rate Amazons for quick money. Officials don’t care that it will take centuries for the rainforests to recover previous volume. And will someone give them recovery when asphalt is laid there and various structures are being built?
Conservationists invariably protest deforestation, moreover, from year to year, but these have no effect on the authorities protests do not produce. According to civil servants, several dozen square kilometers of cut trees will not harm the environment. TO fortunately, such an irresponsible attitude of the inhabitants of South America towards Amazonian forests may change soon. And will happen this is not due to the efforts of Greenpeace and other green combatants, but due to the fact that in the virgin jungle live isolated from civilizations indian tribes that will certainly perish without “your home.”
A tribe of savages that civilization has not touched
A few years ago, Professor Jose Carlos Morales provided to the world scientific community a striking video that excited the minds of not only scientists, but also ordinary people from all over the planet. On a record made near the Amazon Envira tributary to Brazil, a tribe never interacted with modern world. It is possible that the helicopter from which this video and it was filmed, seemed to the Indians a terrible flying creature or some kind of magical thing. Helicopter with Jose and BBC reporters flew to the settlement at a distance of a kilometer, but the savages quickly noticed him.
A photo from open sources
According to Morales, this is one of the few tribes, preserved in the Amazonian forests. It’s hard to believe that on our the planet has remained communities that have not developed for centuries, but this true. The immense rainforest allows the Indians live a full life, perhaps without even knowing about the existence of our civilization.
Savages spend the night in large huts and plant gardens with cassava – potato root plant. Indians in the forest picking bananas and papaya fruit, somewhat similar to melon. Not it is possible that they also hunt by hunting.
The video below was a real sensation. Before recently, Morales and his colleagues could not prove to the Brazilian authorities that in the Amazon forests really live tribes that will certainly die out if deforestation of the Amazon is not will stop. In this case, interact with the savages in no case impossible, because there is always a chance that they can turn out to be deadly chickenpox or the flu we are used to.
The Brazilian government recently promised that it would not allow like genocide. The only way, according to scientists, is not touch the indian tribes and let them live so they lived it all time. And for this you have to leave alone their house, that is Amazon rainforest.
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