Human bones and construction: what in common?

Human bones and construction: what is common?A photo from open sources

American technology scientists have found a more efficient and economical way of building, taking as a basis the structure human bones. This is what allowed them to create new heavy-duty building materials, much stronger than modern analogues, to besides, they are much cheaper …

Science has long known that human bones can withstand colossal loads. This is achieved, as it turned out, thanks the fact that the layers of hydroxyapatite and collagen are able to connect and create a structure somewhat resembling brickwork (by construction principle), however, such a connection is incomparably stronger and more reliable than man-made masonry.

Based on this principle, scientists have combined three components (which, this has not yet been disclosed), layer by layer applying them with modern 3D printer. The result was a construction material that is twenty times stronger than each individually used component. To all the questions of journalists, what kind of secret components they used, American technologists evasively answered that these are fairly common synthetic materials that are perfect for each other.

Thanks to this technology, the creation of heavy-duty and also relatively cheap building materials, the construction of any facilities in the future will become super efficient and less costly. Scientists are sure that their discovery is still recognized as the discovery of the century. I want to believe in it …

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