A photo from open sources
United States scientists tested the most popular instant foods such as sausages, Dogs and so on for their true usefulness for the human body.
Verification was carried out using the most modern methods testing, that is, at the molecular level, and even with use of genomic analysis. Used by researchers and such method, as the coverage of a relatively large number of samples, brands and outlets, so that the picture is the most objective.
American scientists were shocked by the fact that every fifth the product had serious deviations from the norm, not to mention small ones, which were observed almost everywhere. Most amazing fact it turned out that in sausages and other meat products was detected human DNA (!), which leads to a very bad thoughts.
In addition, many food products had other serious deviations, for example, in many meat products found pork, although in the cooking recipe (as on the label) it does not was listed. So people who do not eat such meat for religious reasons, it’s worth considering whether to use sausages and burgers offered by fast restaurants cooking.
The same goes for, say, vegetarians who do not eat meat. In fact, in many vegetarian foods (over ten percent) the researchers found meat.
Here is such an unpleasant picture revealed in the United States, where control over the quality of food is carried out at a high level. And what talk about Russia or, say, Ukraine, where McDonald’s and other American food muck surged at one time huge flow. Than Americans (or the same local entrepreneurs with filing Americans) feed the Russians and Ukrainians, that’s the question? therefore running past similar fast food restaurants and others eateries in an American way is worth considering – to poison or not poison yourself with such food? ..
DNA Russia