Photo from open sources
We live in a truly amazing time: many futuristic technologies that a couple of decades ago were just fiction science fiction writers today are gradually being realized. So, University of California employees recently announced that they succeeded, using advanced artificial intelligence, to transform human brain signals, which we call thoughts, into speech. Probably someday, using similar technology, dumb people can easily communicate in our world.
The fact is that even when we pronounce the words mentally, in our certain areas responsible for movement are activated in the brain lips. A special device reads this activity and turns her into a synthesized voice. In the development of technology involved volunteers whose electrodes are connected to their heads. Experimental read (mentally) excerpts from children’s books, and two artificial neural networks at this time converted the received signals into voice speech.
By turning on the video below, you can hear the result obtained with my own ears. Although for now artificial intelligence reproduces the words mentally pronounced human, not too intelligible (conversion accuracy is now a little less than 70%), in the future the Americans intend significantly improve this indicator. It was expected that, than the sentence is mentally pronounced by the person in his head, the More precisely, the result comes out.
Artificial Intelligence Time