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The first “appeal to humanity” by scientists of the world, which reporters rightly called then a warning, appeared in Media in 1992. At that time, under this manifesto signed 1700 scientists from many countries of the world, including Nobel laureates. It said that modern society is barbarously destroying nature, which can lead to very serious consequences.
And the other day, BioScience magazine published a second appeal, which is already called “Warning to humanity.” On the this time under it already more than 15 thousand signatures of scientists of various sciences from almost two hundred countries of the world. 25 years after the first treatment scientists are already sounding the alarm, stating that over a quarter century humanity has not only not decided, but has further exacerbated environmental problem, which today has become a global disaster and how a sword of Damocles hangs over all of us.
A photo from open sources
Time is running out, it says in today’s manifest, if humanity this time will not change anything, considering “on our century is enough, “then our children and grandchildren really can no longer to take in neither water, nor air, nor light on planet Earth. I.e the third warning may no longer happen – there will be no one to warn, and no one …
A photo from open sources