Humanity will have to switch to bananas, they say at the UN

Humanity will have to switch to bananas, they say at the UNA photo from open sources

Homemade borsch with bananas or banana toasts with meat – all this in the near future may well become not the sophistication of a gourmet, but everyday kitchen practice. UN Food Committee Security published a new report, excerpts from which publishes the Russian service of the BBC. The report experts of the organization predict a sharp drop in staple food production – corn, rice and wheat – in many developing countries. Bananas, experts say, will play an increasingly important role in agriculture and will become an essential source of nutrition for million people around the world. Contribute to this, according to According to research, there will be global warming and constantly rising average temperature on the planet. Indicates that in in some regions, traditional foods can replace others culture. For example, in South Asia, instead of wheat, use cassava (food plant – use a similar food potato root), and in Africa soybeans will become a substitute traditional cow peas. Banana is one of the most popular in fruit world and the fourth most important food crop. Kind of this Plants includes about 40 species. It is common in mainly in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. The main exporters of the product to the global market are India, China and the Philippines. The banana pulp contains many good for the human body carbohydrates and fiber, vitamins C, B1, B2 and mineral substances – phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Banana dishes are common in many countries, although for now, for the most part, they are dessert, not basic. For example, in Costa Rica, they make honey syrup, in Venezuela – “Yo-Yo” (banana slices with soft white cheese), popular in Latin America Maduros dish (fruit slices fried with salt), bananas in Africa are a common side dish for fish dishes, fruit also pancakes are baked here. Banana ketchup is popular in the Philippines and USA – ice cream. You can also find on the web recipes for banana bread, by According to users, no less useful than his traditional counterpart. Social networks even create special communities with the names “Group of chewing bananas with a serious face” or “BANANAS RULE THE WORLD !!! “. From bananas produce baby food, jams, muffins, surrogate coffee, chips and even beer. Also fruit used in medicine and cosmetology. For example, from a banana peels make tincture, which successfully removes swelling when bruises. Arkady AZAEV

Africa Plants Fruits

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