A woman who suffered a head injury after falling from a ladder was amazed when she woke up the next day she found herself talented artist.
49-year-old Pip Taylor from Birkenhead, Merseyside, recalls that she always liked drawing lessons at school and she even dreamed become a professional artist, but teachers have always noted that she had talent. Just getting a serious concussion from falling down the stairs, she suddenly got the opportunity to create wonderful works of art.
A photo from open sources
Now a woman paints up to four paintings a day and, seeing her work, strangers even ask to draw something for them.
“It’s just unbelievable and pretty weird. I always loved paint and hoped to become an artist when she was a teenager, but I never had talent. I used to draw only cartoons and the only one I could realistically reproduce was Snoopy, ” Pip admitted in an interview with Mail Online.
As evidence of lack of drawing ability the woman even found her old album in the attic, in which painted when she was 16 years old. Now she shivers when she looks at her attempts to portray people and faces.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
Pip Taylor got serious brain bruises when she tripped and rolled down a flight of stairs while visiting a racetrack in Chester with a friend in May 2012.
“I fell and hit my head on stone steps several times. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance. When a few hours later I came to my senses, I didn’t understand where I was, “- tells the woman.
A photo from open sources
Photos from open sources
Now Pip Taylor draws every day, because he worries that her new talent will disappear as unexpectedly as it appeared. Female is one of the few living in the world who, having transferred traumatic brain injury, discovered a talent in himself, which previously was not had.
A photo from open sources
While researching such an unusual brain reaction to the trauma has been going on for a long time, none of the theories so far not received a scientific justification. Many researchers believe that new abilities are the result of one of the hemispheres compensates for injury in another.
Time Artists