Ibuprofen is able to stop cancer growth cells

A photo open source anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen discovered unexpected properties – it turned out to be capable stop the growth of cancer cells and may be recognized as a medicine from prostate cancer, some types of colon cancer and others, less common cancers. Ibuprofen, one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, is one of the most common medicines used – along with aspirin and paracetamol. Now, as writes Medical News Today with reference to a study of scientists from University of Bath, he also found anti-cancer properties. Unlike many other medicines, ibuprofen exists in two different forms – R and S. Anti-inflammatory action only form S has, but the body can “convert” the R-form into S thanks to a process known as chiral inversion. Here this process can help in the fight against cancer – in cancer cells found an increased content of the AMACR enzyme which is responsible for carrying out a chiral inversion. The theory of scientists is what if this enzyme is “occupied” by converting R-ibuprofen into S-ibuprofen, he will have no resources and opportunities to “help” cancer cells to share. As a result, the spread of cancer is noticeable slows down. Scientists emphasize that although about relationships ibuprofen and chiral inversion has been known since the 1970s, only now managed to identify proteins that are responsible for specific steps in the process and understand exactly how the amacr enzyme stops the spread of cancer.


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