Ice Age or Climate Weapons: Why is it getting so cold in Russia?

Ice Age or Climate Weapons: Why is It Getting Cold in Russia?A photo from open sources

Remember how meteorologists reassured us Russians in May that Is there anything abnormal in the icy weather of the last month of spring? May snow, they say, – the phenomenon is not so rare, and do not worry about what. Already in the summer, the weather will definitely “pop.” However that we watching now, after half of June? Hydrometcentre reports that this June will be the coldest in the middle lane Russia since the beginning of the XXI century, and the rainfall will be a record.

Few frosts, snow, heavy rains and swooping down on us Moscow hurricane, recognized as the strongest in the city for the last 130 years and 11 people who have claimed their lives, the Central Bank also adds oil to the fire. According to economists, one should expect higher prices food, as the weather caused significant damage farmland and delayed sowing. That is, people are forced not only dress in sweaters and knitted hats, but also eat in the winter meagerly.

Is the climatic weapon to blame?

Immediately there were rumors that the enemies of our country were allowed into climatic weapons, where as a damaging factor Artificial effects on weather and climate are used. They say the recent hurricane in the capital did not accidentally hit the Kremlin and tore off The Senate Palace, where the president works, is part of the roof. Is it really subtle assassination attempt?

Retired Colonel of the Russian Space Forces wishing to stay anonymous, decided to share his thoughts on this. Military a specialist who has been studying biosphere, geosphere and others for many years types of non-traditional weapons of mass destruction, reports that you can create artificial hurricanes, but do it remotely unlikely. Also highly unlikely storm control and its direction to the Kremlin or elsewhere – in specific point.

A photo from open sources

As for the abnormally cold May and June, here Colonel, too, there is no definite answer. The specialist reports that the use of climate weapons is very difficult, and prove it’s almost impossible, because to trace the cause a natural disaster is simply impossible. Not less earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, droughts and floods today you can already provoke – sophisticated human thought working on this at least since World War II. AND the one who first learns to control the hydrosphere, lithosphere, ozonosphere, surface layers of the atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere and near-Earth outer space, gain control over everything the world. It remains to be hoped that if such a weapon is really will be born, its inventor will guess to convey the fruits of his work to several countries so that the strategic parity.

Lithospheric climate weapons

Lithospheric weapons, also called seismic, tectonic and geological, releases the energy of the Earth’s hard shell. Such weapons allow you to artificially call at the right time and at the right time volcanic eruptions, devastating earthquakes, displacements of geological formations and lithospheric plates. It is only necessary to “stir up” the lithosphere in a place with tectonic voltage and provoke a discharge there. Good for this purpose underground vacuum and atomic explosions, as well as powerful acoustic and electromagnetic signals.

A photo from open sources

Recall the most powerful earthquake in Japan in 2011, which caused waves the height of a four-story house. 25 thousand people died, were seriously injured or missing. Accident on nuclear power plant Fukushima-1, caused by the most powerful in history Japan’s earthquake and the ensuing tsunami led to large-scale radioactive contamination of coastal waters and terrain. Explosions thundered at oil refineries fires, crops destroyed, total economic damage the rising sun amounted to at least 310 billion dollars.

A photo from open sources

Many alternative researchers are convinced that Japanese the earthquake 6 years ago was caused by the American complex “HAARP” located in Alaska and allegedly serving for study ionosphere and auroras. Experts believe that in 2011 HAARP unit generated incredibly powerful electromagnetic radiation, – this impulse provoked an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 points off the coast of Japan. Catastrophic consequences of this natural disaster Country of the rising sun, and indeed Pacific water area, feel to this day.

Weather Climatic Weapons

Meteospheric (meteorological, weather, atmospheric) weapons directly affects the weathering processes that occur in the atmosphere – the gas shell of the Earth. Meteospheric weapons allow you to create tornadoes short and locally and tornadoes, typhoons and showers. Thanks to him, you can influence agricultural production of entire regions, and therefore and on the economy of states.

The most studied and repeatedly tested provocation of showers. So, in the years 1967-1972, Americans sprayed over the Vietnamese paddy fields and jungle silver iodide. This led to abundant precipitation and mass flooding. Crops were destroyed, and the so-called Ho Chi Minh trail along which the Vietnamese partisans received weapons and equipment, completely blurred. This famous the operation was called Popeye.

A photo from open sources

It is noteworthy that the same technology allows you to achieve the opposite result, sending drought in the territory. For it is necessary to drain the rain clouds before they reach the right place. A few dry weeks, and crop failure to enemies secured. In the hot season, water bodies begin to dry out, in people there will be problems with clean drinking water. Using meteorological weapons, war in theory can be won without a single shots. It is believed that all the same Americans at one time provoked a drought in Cuba.

A photo from open sources

Some believe that unprecedented rainfall in Western Europe in 2010 and at the same time unprecedented heat in Central Russia are the results of again using climate weapons. There is reason to believe that the powerful floods in 2013 at The Far East and Sochi are also not an accident.

In 2008, Major General of the Armed Forces of China Zhou Chengheo himself publicly stated that the Pentagon is causing natural disasters in PRC.

Global warming or cooling?

However, a number of climate experts consider the cause of cooling in many parts of the world, the so-called notorious “global warming, “the culprit of which is man. Although this phenomenon with someone’s heavy hand and defined as warming, but in fact in fact, just the opposite can happen, namely – cooling.

A photo from open sources

More recently, US President Donald Trump said that United States abandons Paris climate global promotion agreement planet temperature. According to the agreement terminated by the politician, by 2020 many countries had to raise at least 100 billion per the fight against global warming, and the United States was to become the main sponsor in this matter. However, the head of the Citadel of Democracy is convinced that global warming is a myth for such pumping of money.

Trump is considered criminally ignorant, but he can be right. More and more people on the planet feel that the temperature of our “blue ball” does not get higher, but on the contrary, it falls. Many scientists claim that we enter the era of the so-called next great cooling, and is coming small ice age. After 100-150 years, the climate on the planet may be completely different, and therefore heat-loving earthlings will have to soon to be seriously rebuilt. In the meantime … the current generation, still full of hope and optimism, just starting to feel on his skin the icy breath of this planetary climate change, change is not for the better …

War Time Volcanoes Global Warming Donald Trump Earthquakes China Climate Climatic weapons Ice Age Russia Snow Sun USA Japan

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