If you clean the air of Beijing, go bankrupt neighboring province

If you clean Beijing's air, a neighboring province will go bankrupt.A photo from open sources

Beijing is again immersed in a veil of dense smog. This problem is already has long required an urgent solution. But the authorities face a difficult dilemma if eliminating major sources of air pollution in the capital, then the economy of neighboring Hebei will fly into the pipe. The fact that residents of Beijing walk the streets in respirators or cover their nose with their hands, it has already become world news, writes British newspaper Financial Times. In addition to pollution of its own “production”, a significant “contribution” to this is made by those located around Beijing, the steel industry in Hebei. Authorities already began to openly show concern about the environment capital Cities. They demanded that coal burning be reduced in Hebei, and also production at steel and cement enterprises. However, the problem is, the newspaper notes, that these enterprises are the main pillar of the provincial economy and, accordingly, source of income for most residents of Hebei. To somehow to correct the international image of the Chinese capital, the situation in which already called “pre-apocalyptic,” the PRC authorities have taken a number of measures. For example, as during the Olympics, a movement mode was introduced transport on even and odd numbers depending on the number car sign. But the blue sky in Beijing is increasingly dependent on the intensity of the plants around the city. During the 2008 Olympics years, many dirty industries were moved from close proximity to Beijing in the city of Chengde, Hebei Province. Central authorities also promised to single out Hebei 2 billion yuan ($ 317 million) in compensation for the suspension and transfer of enterprises. But it’s impossible to completely close these enterprises, how they hold almost the entire economy of the province. As An example publication cites the Chengde large steel mill. The air pollution that it creates is visible even on Google’s satellite maps. According to Chinese experts, this factory “supplies” to the air of Beijing a fourth of all polluting substances. This steel giant is one of the largest province taxpayers and one of the largest employers. Every eighth resident of Chengde city works on it. The average income of Beijing residents is 56 thousand yuan ($ 9 thousand) in year, and the average income of Chengde residents is only 34 thousand yuan ($ 5.5 thousand). Residents of the Chinese capital every day before going out look at the level of air pollution to know whether to wear or not respirator. At the same time, Chengde residents are worried that they will do if their breadwinner is closed.

Time China Economy

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