In 1940, the Chilean astronomer announced to the world about the existence of Planet X and the calamities it bears on Earth

In 1940, the Chilean astronomer announced to the world the existence of Planet X and the calamities it bears on Earth.A photo from open sources

Chilean astronomer Carlos Munoz Ferrada predicted earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, climate change, he discovered new planets and comets, gave a decoding of their trajectories.

News of the approaching destroyer planet from our Solar systems first brought to the modern world by Chilean astronomer Carlos Munoz Ferrada (died in October 2001 at the age of 92), reports site

On June 11, 1940, he announced to the public the existence of this planet, which he called “Planet Comet,” because it has a mass planets, but the orbit common to comets. What astronomical and did he make geophysical predictions? It was enough famous predictions.

A photo from open sources

He later predicted many earthquakes, such as 1945 in Ligua and 1985 in Santiago, Chile. He also announced the trajectory and the destruction of Halley’s comet, the change in its speed that occurred, when the comet moved 36 hours from its orbital period, by 85 kilometers from the Sun, the shortest in the whole a story.

A photo from open sources

To explain his observations and predictions, Carlos Munoz Ferrada developed a theory of geodynamics, which is based on the attraction of celestial bodies, large flares on the sun and cycles geophysical disturbances. Using this method, he predicted earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, climate change, he discovered new planets and comets, gave a decoding of their trajectories and other features.

A photo from open sources

He had a special gift: the gift to go into a trance when he explored something. And in this state, he wrote and painted what he received. And this brought him both successes and enemies throughout his of life. He provided us with a lot of data in TV shows and in mass media. This data is as follows: – 92 km / s = speed of the planet Hercolobus (Nibiru – Planet X) during turning around the Black Sun (Companion Star of our Sun. He believed that our solar system is binary – approx. Newscom)

– 76 km / s = the speed of the planet Hercolobus when it rotates around the sun in the solar system. – 300 km / s = planet speed HERCOLUBUS when it is halfway between two suns. -14000000 km = the closest point to Earth on the path of the planet Hercolobus. -32000000000 km = distance from the Earth to the Black (Second) Sun. -300,000 km / s = speed of light.

9,460,800,000,000 M = distance traveled by light in one year. This star passes inside the Earth’s orbit at a satellite speed of 66 kilometers per second, and at the same time, in the same period, her perihelion is only 139.1 million km from the sun.

In addition, since the planet will bring to the inside The solar system has strong vibrations and it itself has strong electromagnetic fields, the astronomer, with a degree of probability, determined that this new and special giant cosmic body can change the axis of the earth, bringing great gravitational and geophysical indignation. They can also affect gravitational relationships. Earth with our satellite – the moon. Earth’s elliptical orbit will become parallel to the celestial equator. Earth’s poles will shift at the same time, this event is possible on the equinoxes in the spring and in the fall.

Time Volcanoes Earthquakes Climate Sun Solar System

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