The man, who was crushed by a red tractor, weighed without one and a half tons, claims that he was saved from death by two daughters. Teenagers found the strength to raise the infernal machine.
Jeff Smith of Lebanon in Oregon tried to uproot a stump in in his garden when his mud-soaked boot slipped off the pedal clutch, and the farmer rolled over with the tractor.
The man was greatly crushed by the chest, but he was able to scream, and this was heard by his two daughters – 16-year-old Hannah and 14-year-old Haley. The girls rushed to the aid of their father and miraculously were able to raise heavy tractor. That was enough for Mr. Smith could breathe freely.
A photo from open sources
“This is amazing. You have heard of such cases where the surge adrenaline helped people do unreal things. They are in such able to pick up cars, so my girls it turned out, because they were so scared for me. Although, I would not believe that it’s possible if I hadn’t seen it myself, ”said the lucky NBC regional correspondent.
A photo from open sources
Then the girls themselves tried to finally pull their father out from under tractor, but they failed. Then Hannah jumped onto the ATV and rushed for a neighbor who came on his tractor and pulled heavy car, freeing Jeff Smith. After this man hospitalized, he with a broken wrist and other injuries spent some time in the hospital. With this, Mr. Smith is fair Believes that he still got off easily.
“That day, Hannah, before the ambulance arrived, managed to call me and talk about what happened, but I thought it was just like that a bad joke, “says the girls’ mother.” To be honest, I myself don’t could believe what happened, ”Hannah admits. – Simply great that we didn’t go visit our friends then gathered. “After all that happened, a neighbor helped Jeff finish the business started in the garden, and the family gave the tractor the nickname Satan.