In Arctic snow, scientists have discovered plastic

Scientists have discovered plastic in Arctic snowPhoto from open sources

Researchers, having studied the snow arctic cover of our planet, found fragments of plastic in it. Description by scientists The work was published in the journal Science Advances.

Now you can hardly surprise anyone with this, since this same plastic found in almost all places on Earth. Even in the deepest point of our planet – the Mariana Trench found a plastic bag. So the Arctic, although it is far from us, is not an exception.

In 2018, researchers reported unexpected quantities plastic located in sea ice. However, they clarified that this same plastic moves freely in the marine environment.

According to new research, plastic was found in samples. Arctic snow, as well as samples taken in Germany and Swiss Alps. Thus, scientists realized what is the airway microplastic movements.

Researchers found in samples of snow collected in the Arctic 14,000 microplastic particles per liter. Snow samples taken in Bavarian countryside included about 154,000 particles plastic.

Scientists have suggested that most of the plastic in the Arctic and Europe comes from the atmosphere, mostly with snow.

If you imagine how much microplastic is in air, scientists have a question, how much of this plastic people inhale. Further research should give a clearer a picture.

Andrey Vetrov

Arctic Plastic Snow

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