In Australia, a kangaroo shot down a cyclist

In Australia, a kangaroo brought down a cyclistPhotos from open sources of

With Australian kangaroos – one problem. Then they start fighting in crowded places, then attacking moving cars at night, then break into houses and make a commotion there. Yes, you never know what, why the Australians themselves are wrong with these absurd animals enthusiastically (if not tougher) than Europeans, watching these marsupials only on tv and sometimes during tourist trips to this exotic country.

One of these days in the state of Queensland Australia a kangaroo has distinguished one more trick – knocked down a cyclist (see video). Moment when it a swift animal flies onto the road, knocking down a bicycle, was shot by a camera mounted on another bike riding after.

Please note that the kangaroo itself was not hurt at all, by a bullet flying further for their relatives. But the girl is literally crashed on the asphalt and was injured. True, minor, in the first-aid post she only had stitches on her injured leg and bandaged torn off hand. As they say, everything turned out to be a little fright …

This incident on the Australian road is more like a curious incident than incident, why the video acquired popularity on the internet. Not by chance, some web users identified him in the category of “amazing near” …

Australia Kangaroo

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