A photo from open sources
The environmental problems of the PRC have long become a “byword”! Even the phenomenon called “Beijing cough” is known – it’s a combination of symptoms similar to a respiratory illness. Interestingly, a sore throat and dry cough immediately begin to annoy foreigners entering the capital of the Celestial Empire, and how only they leave Beijing, the symptoms gradually disappear disappear.
And now, a new wave of “Beijing cough! Serious contamination response headquarters air today announced a blue hazard warning air pollution.
As data from the Beijing Environmental Center show monitoring, on Monday morning at 33 out of 35 points was recorded significant excess of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances. Microparticles became the main pollutant, their concentration ranged from 200-300 micrograms per cubic meter.
In the near future, a cyclone advancing from Siberia will substantially will improve the atmosphere of Beijing. Chinese colleagues agree with this: monitoring center data, by April 16 pollutants over the Chinese capital will disperse.