In China, they began training an outstanding clone sniffer dogs

In China, they started training a clone of an outstanding sniffer dogA photo from open sources

Not so long ago, Chinese biotechnology company “Sinogene Biotechnology “completed the cloning of a 7-year-old police shepherd nicknamed Huahuanma, honored for his career several awards, as it revealed several serious crimes.

Scientists and law enforcement officers expect a clone named for Kunxun will prove to be an equally valuable and indispensable police assistant thanks to the attentiveness inherited from the “mother”, quick wits and flair.

Kunxun DNA is reported to be 99% identical to Huahuanma DNA. Despite the fact that the female puppy is only two months old, guardians of the law have already begun training the dog, and she shows in present very impressive results.

Cloning was carried out in Beijing. Experts have extracted genetic material of an adult bloodhound and labeled the embryo after fertilization in the body of a surrogate mother of the Beagle breed. Representatives of this breed are currently considered the most suitable for carrying dog clones.

A photo from open sources

Kunsun will be trained for 5 years and will cost the police 75 one thousand dollars. Although the cost of cloning is not called, it can be assumed that it is even higher. However, such costs, according to the Chinese, are quite justified at the moment. Huahuanma possesses exceptional scent and cleverness. She discovers drugs even in hermetically sealed packaging, and recently found the killer by the key to his hotel room.

Kunsun successfully inherited the outstanding scent of “mother” and with easily finds various items hidden by guardians order. Six months later, the puppy will go to the “Dog University”, where he will be trained to search for drugs, explosives, weapons, smuggling and etc.

DNA China Dogs

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